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Seeing Jennifer makes me wish she still practiced in West LA

I have gotten acupuncture from Jennifer since she practiced in West LA back in 2006. When she moved to the Ventura area, regular visits weren’t possible. However, my sister has always remembered a specific treatment that Jennifer did on me years ago to reset my body clock. She and I are naturally night people, and her vampire-ish sleeping patterns often interfere with her 9 to 5 job, so I took her up to have an appointment with Jennifer.

We pulled into the lovely woodsy-feeling parking lot for the office and drove to the back, where her suite is. Her office is in the Vitality Wellness Center – parking right outside her door was super easy!

I knew that Jennifer’s nurturing and healing way would put my sister at ease for her very first acupuncture experience. After filling out paperwork in the waiting area, my sister went in for a pulse reading, thorough consultation and treatment.

As my sister relaxed and let the needles work, I had a consult with Jennifer about the blood chemistry analysis work she does. I’ve been focusing on detoxing and getting really specific info on my health lately, so this kinda thing is exactly what I need.

Jennifer told me all about how traditional blood tests are an overview, but her analysis reports get super specific. When she told me that the lab that she would refer me to for the bloodwork would cost way less than I’d anticipate for such detailed info, I knew this would be the thing for me to focus on in the new year. She said that whenever I was ready, she would refer me to the chain of labs so I could do a fasting blood draw at a location near me, and then schedule with her to see which supplements and herbs would be best for my body.

People are getting sick all around me, so I asked Jennifer to do immune system boosting acupuncture. I was surprised to feel that her needle-ing felt even more gentle than I remember, so I mentioned it. She said that she changed the size of her needles since the last time I saw her. Now they are so thin that I hardly feel them going in at all – and I zonked out completely just like I always do!

My sister loved her super gentle needles, especially since she was a first time acupuncture patient. She said that Jennifer really helped her lung congestion and upper back tension (she has asthma) with some cupping after her needles were out too. In the days that followed her session, she’s also been able to wake up easier in the mornings than she has all year. She knows that a lot of her late night sleeping hours are behavior triggered, but she does notice that she has less resistance to getting to bed at a more decent hour.

Seeing Jennifer makes me wish she still practiced in West LA. I can’t see her that often anymore, but when I can, it’s always worth the drive!

-Lucy Y.

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